Senin, 26 Mei 2014

awal mula perjalanan music jazz


Initially the jazz music was born in the " United States " in 1868 , which the researchers who wrote the history of jazz and which has been agreed by many many people . Although jazz was born in the United States , but now is no longer confined to jazz american nation , but has instead become a color music owned by the whole world .

Originally , jazz was born with a basic form of " Blues " . then in about 1887 known jazz began to form " Rag Time " , which at that time was a piano in the bar - bar.Blues and Rag Time be evolved that into " Boogie - Woogie " . Given the form of their own in addition to running track , it also evolved through the journey of jazz music . according to music researchers have suggested that this form of jazz music can be considered as an early form that will evolve from the jazz age to zaman.bentuk current is a form of jazz music contained circa 1915-1917 , the period when the Negro in the city of " New Orleans " , the U.S. has played jazz idiom which has a very different , so they are known as the " New Orleans Jazz " .

 New Orleans jazz musicians have presented their performances in bars , gambling houses , brothels and even that in the past it was thrives in New Orleans . Then jazz music has grown out of the city of New Orleans . This jazz musicians from New Orleans have started to bring jazz music in the Mississippi river , to the north continued to get " Detroit " . In the 1920s jazz developed in New York , Chicago , Memphis and other major cities in the United States until it extends to the whole world as it is today , until now .


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